Monday, January 11, 2010

On Duty

I am on duty today. During sport parade, I have been pick randomly by the staff for having a urine test. They want to check either we were using any drug illegally. Qayyum, one of the UPNM tri team, my junior, he also in the group. While waiting, we were joking about the result with other friends. For the smokers, the doctor might find drugs in their urine but for triathletes? PowerBar! PowerGel, Bean, all of those power2 thingy :P Hahaha

At the end of the test, I looked at my watch, its 1817. Damned i am late. I need to attend the guard dismount at 1830. Normally we prepared in front of the academic block at 1815. I ran as quick as I can back to my block, ran up to the 9th floor, change parade from sport shirt to service attire, ran down and continued running to the academic block. 1823, 6 minutes!! It seem like 21K run training shows good result :D

Yesterday, UPNM Tri Team were having a 21Km running. We just ran from downhill Kinabalu to Iron Hill for 3 loops. Mat Black were the one who coaching the training session. I admit he is great with this. His appearances does look like a pro from overseas that came to Malaysia and applied to become a cadet officer at UPNM :P but he is not (of course). There will be a Marathon 30Km race this sunday, 17 Jan 2010 at Padang Merbuk, KL. This is my first time in running at this kind of distance and I hope that I can finish the race without any injuries.

Thank You.

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